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Greenstone TV

Will I be on TV?

Greenstone TV produces some of New Zealand’s favourite TV series, including TVNZ’s Motorway Patrol, Dog Squad, Border Patrol, Renters and Highway Cops. These observational documentary series tell the stories of the everyday interactions of the teams who work for these agencies with you, the public. They’re hugely popular shows that have featured thousands of drivers, passengers, renters and travellers over more than a decade, and are enjoyed by viewers around the world both on television and online for many years.

Greenstone TV shows are broadcast on various New Zealand networks such as TVNZ, TV3 and Whakaata Māori. They may also appear on international networks as broadcast programmes and as video-on-demand. Many of our shows are available on subscription streaming services, free and paid online platforms, and social media outlets. 

In addition to the material we film with our crews, Greenstone may utilise dash-cam, CCTV, and images and sound we receive from members of the public, businesses, and various organisations. Our series Motorway Patrol also utilises CCTV footage from the Auckland Transport motorway camera network. 

If you’ve been filmed by us and want to know more, here are answers to questions you might have:

I was filmed by your camera operator. Will I definitely be on television?

We film hundreds of hours of footage for each series, so only a small percentage of this makes it into the show. The series are well promoted in advance on TVNZ, so keep an eye out. Or you can contact the production; we’ll want to know the date and location you were filmed and if it does seem likely the incident will be included, we can let you know when it’s due to go to air. You can also follow our Facebook pages, where we regularly post updates.

Can I get a copy of the episode I appear in?

Don’t worry if you miss the broadcast; all these programmes are available online on TVNZ On Demand for at least a month afterwards. We may also be able to help if you miss it or aren't in New Zealand to see it; contact with details of the programme you appear in.

I’m concerned about my privacy – what can I do?

The purpose of these series is to inform, entertain and educate and decisions around what can and cannot be shown in a programme are governed by New Zealand’s Broadcasting Standards and Privacy Acts. Generally, events taking place in public (e.g.on the motorway) don’t have an expectation of privacy. However, we’ll never include personally identifying information about you (a passport number, or your full name or address, for example). In some cases we will pixelate (blur) your face so you’re not identifiable.

Please get in touch with us at and the Producer of the series will get back to you. They will be very happy to talk through the situation the filming occurred in and your personal situation. If you spoke with a cameraperson or producer at the time of filming,  they will have a record of that conversation.

The footage is securely stored; will not be used in any circumstances for anything other than the purpose it was collected (i.e to make the programme); and footage not used in the series will be destroyed.

While we have permission to film with the agencies featured on the shows (e.g. Police, Customs, Corrections etc), any concerns about filming and the programmes should be directed to Greenstone TV; any concerns about the process/behaviour of agency representatives should be directed to the agencies themselves.

If you’d like more information on Broadcasting Standards in New Zealand, including Privacy, Fairness, Balance and Accuracy, see

Last updated February 2025

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